Mindy, Body and Sport. Empowering young female athletes

Exciting news!

I have launched a unique and impactful programme aimed at providing a holistic approach to support girls in achieving health, happiness, and success in their athletic pursuits.

Being a young athlete can come with its own unique set of challenges and pressures. These workshops are designed to provide young females with the tools and knowledge to take care of their physical, mental, and emotional well-being, both in and out of training.

The wellness workshops will focus on equipping teenage girls with practical tools and strategies to support their physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing.

I believe that by providing teenage girls with the tools to prioritize their well-being, they will be better equipped to overcome obstacles and reach their full potential in sports and beyond. The goal is to empower these young athletes to live their best lives, both physically and mentally, and to inspire them to become the best versions of themselves. Join us on this journey to wellness, and let's create a community of empowered young women who are ready to take on the world!

Find out more: hello@roxyayling.com


The Benefits of Aromatherapy in Massage and Yoga


Post Marathon Recovery